Topics of Interests
- Constraint Programming
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Graphs & Mathematical Programming
- Scheduling
- Optimization Multi-objective
Community involvements
I was [sub]reviewer of:
I was in the Program Committee of:
ISA: Innovative Scheduling & scheduling Applications using CP-AI-OR (CPAIOR 2015 Workshop) |
JFPC’16: Douzièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC) |
Collective Responsibilities
2014-2015 Elected representative of PhD students in “Disciplinary Board” for the Engineering School (Ecoles des Mines).
2013-2015 Elected representative of PhD students in “Education Board” for the Engineering School (Ecoles des Mines).
2013-2015 Elected representative of PhD students in the Council of Graduate School (ED STIM).
2012-2015 Member of Login (Association of researcher of Nantes).
2012-2015 Responsible for inter-location relationships for Login.